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About us




Metropolitan Community Churches is one chapter in the story of the Church, the Body of Christ. We are people on a journey, learning to live into our spirituality, while affirming our bodies, our genders, our sexualities. We don’t all believe exactly the same things. And yet in the midst of our diversity, we build community, grounded in God’s radically inclusive love for all people. We are part of an ongoing conversation on matters of belief and faith, shaped by scripture and the historic creeds, building on those who have come before us. Our chapter begins when God says to us: “Come, taste, and see.”


Our Faith

Jesus Christ, You invite all people to Your open table. You make us Your people, a beloved community. You restore the joy of our relationship with God, even in the midst of loneliness, despair, and degradation. We are each unique and we all belong, a priesthood of all believers. Baptized and filled with Your Holy Spirit, You empower us to be Your healing presence in a hurting world.


We expect to see Your reign on earth as it is in heaven as we work toward a world where everyone has enough, wars cease, and all creation lives in harmony. We affirm Your charge to all of humanity to care for the land, sea, and air. Therefore, we will actively resist systems and structures which are destroying Your creation.

With all of creation we worship You—every tribe, every language, every people, every nation. We know You by many names, Triune God, beyond comprehension, revealed to us in Jesus Christ, who invites us to the feast.





It is our mission to serve God among those who are seeking the integration of their spirituality and sexuality. We work to restore people's faith in God's Love for them and to see themselves as persons holy created in the Divine image of God. 


It is our mission to take our place in society, to speak out against injustice in our community, and to counter the prejudiced religious voice that claim to speak for all Christians.


It is our mission to be a haven of hope providing love, care and understanding to a hurting world.


It is our mission to encourage those who seek to learn and grow spiritually, without the fear of being judged or discriminated against.



Good Hope MCC is a congregation made up of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered and heterosexual members and friends. All members and friends contribute to the ministry of this church. We believe that everyone is a minister member with a unique role to play. Our community is led by a pastor and local volunteers. At our weekly Church services we are also blessed with guest preachers from various denominations and backgrounds.


You are created in God’s image and are
welcome at our church.




our pastor
Beulah Durrheim

Rev Beulah Durrheim has been the pastor at Good Hope MCC since September 2012. She has a theology degree from the University of Southern Africa. She served as a pastor in the Methodist Church for almost 10 years, and was Spiritual Director for Upper Room Ministries in South Africa. 

She has served in various denominational capacities in MCC : The moderator nominating committee (MNC), the judicial pool(disciplinary committee), and as Africa Network Leader. 

She loves the great outdoors, has walked the Camino in Spain several times, enjoys running on the mountains. Her cats Togi and Adagio have participated in many a virtual church service.

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We share worship and meeting spaces with the Rondebosch United Church on their premises at the following address:
18 Belmont Rd

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